The following poems are all written by Cheri Shanti Lunn and are protected by copyright. You are welcome to share them with credit given to the author. These are poems that have been posted to this blog over the years (since 2007) with a few additions I have added from my journals.
July 2011
So many miles away
Your scent still lingers in my mind
Your hands grasping
Your voice in my ear
Talking the dirty desires
of your Scorpio fires
Three days ago
you were wrapped around me
buried deep in the cave
of my womanness
My body alive
with your touch
My heart soothed
sharing in the tender
afterbliss moments of passion
Hearing your voice
becomes medicine to my mind's reeling
Slowly I contemplate
the truth of what is
No expectations
Effortless comfort in the unknown
Knowing you are
is enough for now
Your scent still lingers in my mind
Mystery awaits unveiling
Glacial river song
sings to the purpose of this moment
Magic quivers
like the leaves on this tree
standing proudly
demanding nothing
The wind dances her song
as I emerge
into being.
July 2011
Chaos Calling
Sweetest swirling madness
Blinding & surreal
Seductively drawing me in
again and again
to dance upon the razor's edge
I await you
like a lover
ready to give my very breath
to breathe in yours
and feel your power rage thru me
I am the addict
jonesin for a hit of you
Aching to feel again that force
that brings me the fix I need
to make me feel what's real
To feed the longing that
lives within
when you have gone away too long
Reeling wildly
all spinning in
cacophonic elusive non formedness
You mesmerize me
Ravaging me to my core
leaving me wanting more
Somehow in your embrace
the stillpoint within
is magnified
beyond comprehensible imagination
Beyond what possibility can define...
And I am hungry like a raging beast
to be filled again with
your mysticality..
I am magnetized
by the blurry realm
that rises in between
the worlds
to meet my gaze
Thru the embers
of the raging blaze
I find some source
of source of source
in the insanity you offer
I have no fear
I welcome you
I am your dancer
ready to move at your command
You are my completion
Surrendering all to you
is my pleasure
my sustenance
my love..
I come searching for you
There I am again
late in the nite
wandering down back alleys
on cobblestone streets
three am calling me
like a zombie beneath the moon
to find some glimpse
some shadow of you
darting around the corners
chasing me as I chase you..
And knowing that
in courting you
I court the darkness
As an ally
to match the light
that gives me
the power to meet you
face to face
You speak what I am afraid to
Your truth inspires my veil to fall
Yet so much seems at stake
To enter the world the veil hides
The greed with which I know you live
Echoed in the cave inside...
Love undeniable
Undefiable field
of which no passion may interrupt
The truth of what we know could be
somehow respected more
in passion's preservation
Unspent energy
Magnifies intent
and brings truth to it's shining core.
Don't ask for more
This is enough
The rest would only take
the rippled edge of truth
to decay
Deeper in
Like Cancer's depths
Beyond the infinite
of space and time
Scorpio again returning
To remind my fire to
keep burning
the Sun
June 2011
Scorpio Lover
I can’t lie
You turn me on
I am dripping anticipation
Ignited curiosity
Embers left untended
ready to burst into flame
Scorpio scares me silly
And I can't lie
It turns me on
My fire fears it’s only source of relief
Your swirly cooling
maddening depths
able to consume me
And still somehow
fuel the fire inside
to burn brighter
Once it has been burnt away to steam
I can’t lie
It turns me on
I am like the raging sea
Ready to burst upon your island
And return you in dawn’s embrace
To the tranquility of union
Again and again
and again
Like wildfire
jumping from tree to tree
insatiable in it's need for more...
Unexpected challenge
Awaiting the unveiling
Emergent suddenly
Like falling rain on a sunny day
I can’t lie
It turns me on
For the rivers of bliss that run thru me
in the glow of my fire's desire
For the passion that's been left too long
Unmatched, unmet and longing to play..
I can't lie
It turns me on.
And yet...
I feel devastation’s looming
The darkness of the scorpion’s sting
Encompassing all light
with it’s deadly poison slowly eating at my skin
My wise woman bids me run quickly
And never look back
But the wild one in me
flashes fire thru her eyes
that reflect on the surface
of your sultry stirrings
I am intrigued
I can’t lie
It turns me on.
Suddenly I want to move slowly
With full reverence
for what may be granting us access
to new ways of sharing..
Suddenly I want to dig in
And while the worried old one
Shakes her head and walks by
The untamed bitch
Takes a bite out of you
And watches you writhe in delight.
I can’t lie
It turns me on
The shadow intrigues me
As much as the light magnifies me
The edge feels like flint
My fire can not harm
And I can’t lie
It turns me on…
Beloved Heart
My heart is the heart of the beloved
In me lives all of eternity
One kiss and you would be mine
One sip of this bliss,
magic unending, bending time
Lifting Illusion
And all else would fade into me.
Even love is romanced in sensuality's sweet embrace
My body is the temple of all lovers
Come to the door and see beyond what seems to be
Men fear this union I am
Where all becomes one within
Where time's perception blurs
in ecstasy's unbridled dance of hypnotic allure
My lips are the portal to all that you think you seek
The romance is in the seeking
The kiss is the release
My touch is like the wind
Soft, barely present in moments
Overtaking you with raging desire in others
I know you behind your skin
Your initiation is the fire of my passion
burning within you to know the truth of truths'
With skin on skin all time is erased
for the brave and fearless who are granted acess to the Promised Land
My heart is the heart of the beloved
My body the temple of all lovers
Dance in me and all of life is dancing through you
You can not yet see what lives in me
You have not yet found
the Divine Romance that is your birthright
Between the spaces of time
I await you
Bejeweled with diamonds and rubies
Sapphires beaming in my eyes
Your beloved bride to be
Moment of Stillness
Your breathe makes me quiver
like aspen leaves do
with the most subtle whisper of your essence
dripping thru the air
You delite me in ways indescribable
Sensually stirring me beyond the physical
Stilling me
I am captivated
Speechlessly in awe of your embrace
I can not move
yet all of me is flowing
I can not think
yet all of me lives in knowing
I can not breathe
yet your breath sustains me
I am yours and you are all that I am
Waves of fleecy swaying grasses hypnotize me
holding me captive
Enraptured by the way you kiss me
body, mind and soul
And in these moments with you
the rest is silenced
I am whole
Full beyond fullness
One beyond Oneness
With you Beloved
I am free
I am home
Colorado, Aug 26, 2010
Gratitude I Am
Sitting with sunlite streaming into me
The mists floating
Gently hovering above the stillness of the lake
Hiding the mountain tops
Shadows of trees melting into their sensual embrace
Gratitude I Am
Tears of acknowledgement flowing
for every step of the journey that has led me
Here Now
Quietly reflecting on this life
My heart has been busted sweetly open
Again and again and again
Tears of rage have brought me compassionate understanding
Fears of losing have taught me the richness that I Am
thru Vulnerability's bitter but sweet deep kisses
Gratitude I Am
Depression has taught me the mysterious ways that darkness calls forth lite
Anxiety has shown me to rest thru exhaustion's paralyzing inertia
Grief is still teaching me the preciousness of each moment
Grief reminds me to listen less
to fear, depresssion and anxiety's strangely seductive songs
Gratitude I Am
Dancing mind births surrender into stillness
The lines on my face etch my time passing
like a wild tempest wind
Fast and furiously earth shaking
This home allows me to be the grace I am thru the sharing of space that is my bliss
Gratitude I Am
For the passing of cycles
Fall into winter
Forgivenss into compassion
Anger into Soft sadness
Stillness into Divine Union
Gratitude I Am
For the friends who have listened to my stories
Again and again and again
For the mother who carried me in her womb
gifting me this life
to be challenged
to be overjoyed
to be witness and witnessed
For the creatures great and small
that amaze and captivate my heart with awe
The four leggeds and winged ones
The creepy's and the crawlies
The enchanted ones of the sea and the underworlds
For this earth and all it's abundance and ever unfolding magic
For the gifts of rhythm and song
And all that they have allowed me to experience as bliss in union with Creation
Gratitude I Am
For my unbalanced intensity that humbles me
when it rages thru me like a tidal wave
reminding me my work is far from done
Reminding me that I am
For what some call my "overexpressiveness" and all that it represents
as one being being real and authentic in this under expressed society
where so many are afraid of truth and heart felt sharings
For the facade that I refuse to wear that "societal" appropriateness dictates
For the scared insecure little girl
who is as much me as is the Warrior Queen
As fearless as I am, so too are the depths of my fears
Gratitude I AM
As above, so below
For the duality and it's suffering nature
reminding me to discipline myself more to choose acceptance of what is
For this home I sit in now and all that it has already been home to
love, life, music, community and warm fires..
For the teachers in every being I meet
For this moment now
Quietly sitting with sunlite streaming into me
The mists floating
Gently hovering above the stillness of the lake
Hiding the mountain tops
Shadows of trees melting into their sensual embrace
And tears flowing like sweet nectar
to soften all of me into the
Gratitude I Am
Colorado, 2010
Bliss of Being
Bliss of Being
When I play
I am alive again
The joy is instant
the passion's power tremendous
Flowing thru me like waves of grace
I am in bliss
The Bliss of Being
when hand strikes skin
rhythm begins
And I remember my true purpose
is for this...
Heard or unheard
I arrive at myself
Pulsing perfection
Colorado, Jan 2011
Sanctuary within my skin
The rhythm brings me in again
To pray at lotus feet upon which I stand
as movement lifts me into my own Promised Land
The temple I am
this form holds the formless
merging worlds above and below
My body teaches me
what I need to know
Silently hovering in ether's embrace
one arm drifts down
I am entranced
I am danced
I am bedazzled by the glow I feel
Igniting spirit thru flesh
Nothing else is real
Sanctuary within my skin
Temple I am
Without and within
Return My Queen
Return My Queen
Return to me
Your throne sits awaiting you
Atop my skillfully filled skull
overflowing with mindless chatter
Until the moment you arise in me
Then like rivers of glass
enchanting me your eyes meet mine
Remembrance is so divine
And all time stills as you pour into me like wine
Sweetened by life's tragedies
Tainted by none
Deepened by tears of grief
Shined brilliant by the sun
Magically appearing
In the midst of cold black night
My Queen, your majesty I behold
Your presence is my insight
Even the blackest lump of lead
Returned to fine spun gold...
Even the aging heart of death
sprouts the seeds of young in old
Passing from one form to another
Wise crone, tender mother
Sacred whore betrayed by lustful men
Let's love again and again come in
Return to me
Sister of Grace and of Mercy
Your sword is sharp and quick to fall
where truth goes astray..
Warrior Queen
My Heart is yours
Forever More
Return to me
Stray no more.
Sept 2010
Creekside Muse
I never want to leave you
once I've sunk back into your embrace
Your tender stillness empties me
Time becomes like a lost happy child
wandering aimlessly
exploring the forests of possibilities
with curious eyes and an innocent heart
Known to no one
Here by creekside's constant cooing
my heart cracks open
I am soft
spilled into tranquil pools
where rocks like my heart
are softened to sand
washed away into the vastness that is your love
My body melts
My body vacant but for you
The willow's swishing soft hair-like tendrils
brush gently against my skin like a lover
The one you are for me
Stirring me to stay longer
I succomb willingly
opening to your breath again and again..
Nothing is as this
No place else is home
My beloved lives here
Naked, unadorned, freely dancing in the wind
Turning white fluffy clouds into magical imaginations of the mind
hovering above me as this earth spins
Turning leaves and water and air into symphonies of perfect grace
I never want to leave you
Colorado, 2010
Medicine of Music
Bodies moving
Sensual delite
The Medicine of Music
Healing all this nite
Faces beaming blissful beingness
In the seduction of the groove
Hips soft like river dance
hands making air romance
feet praying for a chance
to live again
another breath
just to feed this medicine
to my soul
Music takes away all pain
Music makes the insane sane
Like honey dripping from the hive
the medicine of the muse alone
is keeping me alive to thrive
Only the passion of the pulse can turn the dark to light
Ignite the nite
magnify the lite
send my body swish swish
yum yum into sweet delite
unable to be explained
so deep beyond all space and time
body, spirit and mind
I venture in thru rhythm's eye
And there
I find
Myself awaiting the return of her beloved...
Firelite Inspiration
inspires surrender into
The softest sound
Water running thru rocks
Wind wishpering thru trees
Grasses dancing in moonlite's glow
Solitude in nature
The sweetest gift I know
Crackling fire
wind, water, earth
songs in perfect harmonies
Rememberances of these truths I know
This valley
Sweeping wide into magnificient peaks
carpeted in velvety green lushness
Speckled by infinite splashes of color
Yellow, violet, pink, purple and every shade of green
I am intoxicated into the silence of my soul
Mesermized into perfect blissful re-union
Green lush perfect magic lives here
and my spirit will wander here as my body rests
Crested Butte, CO 2009
Message from Peace
To know me is to love me
To feel me is to cherish your truest self
I am always here
Awaiting your remembrance
of the gifts I offer you
Mystical awakening
To the depths of your inner being
You and I are the same
Only you sometimes forget me
I welcome you to my abode anytime
Day or night
My heart longs to feel your breath
Awakened fully to the love I hold for you
I am eternal
I am the dawn
I am the mid-day heat radiating my warmth
I am the soft surreal colors streaming from sunset's kiss
I am yours
Come to me
Again and again
And I will always hold you
I am your eternal lover
I will never forsake you
Though you will forsake me
Time and time again
You learn that I am here for you
Absorb me
Learn my ways
Rise into the heights of the glory of grace
Choose me
And I will return to you
Every day
In every moment that you let me
I will be the lover that you can never find in another
I alone can gift you eternal joy
I alone can be your ally in the darkest night
I alone
And you will feel me breathing
And you will feel me moving
For I am the blossom
I am the birdsong
I am the lone coyote
wandering the desert
with the rabbit and the fox
the elk and the deer
I am the magic
I am the mystery
I am the muse
I am
that I am
Yours Eternally
Crestone, CO 2009
Midnite Moonlite Muse
Bright sweet mistress
Enraptures me
Entices me
Reminds me of slow, sensual sweet surrender
Like a lover
Creating heat in the cool night's kiss
My skin shivers
My spirit awakens
The Goddess on Sacred Ground
She shines down
Cascading mystical remembrances
Of the Truth in Being
Delightful to all senses
She pulls me in
Like I would a lover tonite
Deep into the womb of warmth
Dripping ectasy
Magic is always here
And she reminds me
to find the grace in simple solitude
and body awakened to purity
As coyotes sing now
To the stillness of my heart
with one soft candle whispering flickering shadows
My body pulses to her call
I am awakened
Deep in the night
Thinking of the lovers of love
Feeling the call of divinity
Embracing me
I dance within her in midnight's magic
Willingly her lover
Always and forever more
Crestone, CO 2009
Stillness Lives Here
Windy Day
Blows me open
Blows thru me like the mystery
I am raw
Free like the wind
Oya: My beloved sister of eternity
Pulsing around this globe of grace
Infinite kiss of the Divine
Blessing me
This magical place
Stillness reigns supreme
It is tangible here
The peace
The depths of stillness
Even as the wind rages wild dust tornados
Stillness Lives here
This is it's home
I am blessed once again to dance with her here.
Crestone, CO 2009
Late Night Contemplations
Children's voices
Sweet songs of surrender
Thru the wind in the palms
Grace lives in this place
In each pair of eyes
In each story
In each face
Yemaya rolls gently thru
Oshun's overflow
Embracing Gaia's womb
in the softest most sensual embrace
Air clean
Charged by Pele's breath
Ocean pure
Crystallizing mind of zen
Moonlight above my head
Fire at my feet
Earth trembling
Passion Play
The Earth she is alive here
In every instant heard
She rolls and swirls and screams here
With benevolence and rage
Magic in the shadows
Made by the silver moon
Demons dwelling just beyond
the undulating ironwood's stringy locks
Mystical and omnipresent
This sacredness of life
With the power to seduce me
I welcome Her each night...
Fire light
and voices softly sharing
Illuminate my heart and soul
Kaui, HI, Feb 2008
Deep Nite Delite
The Midnight hour
Casts its seduction on me
And oh, I go so willingly
Into pearly starred sky
and mystic night awaiting..
Embracing me now
The Beloved of beloveds
Dancing in me now
Like the seas swelling surges
Pulsing the swish and sway
of Mama Gaia's big swirly sea hips
Me, I like to take sweet soft sips
Seductive dips and slips into her glorious vast depths..
Always receptive
Always giving
Always emerging with truth
Always captivating
Like the night skies
Deep nite delite..
Sounds of the earth's aliveness..
Water flowing
Critters buzzin
Ocean's breath a comfort beyond illusion
Full moon
Full life
Full heart of love
Pulse of Gaia
Beneath me
I feel her pulse
Calling to me
Always, eternally..
She is the medicine I take voluntarily
To soothe
To teach
To acknowledge grace
To remember truth
She is always waiting..
Seductive rhythms of nite
Calling me inward
to the sanctuary of my self
The outer worlds of distraction
The chatter of the mind
The business of the day
Only the Pulse of Gaia
Resounding in my ears
Thru my body
Nature is my confidant
My eternal ally
Day by day
Side by side
Hand in hand
Step by step
I learn this wisdom way
Rhythms of Yemaya
Always present
Big pulsing power of ocean blue
Like the blood in my veins
Like the breath thru my spirit
Always returning
to the shores of renewal
The Pulse of Gaia
Techno world forgotten
Cars, traffic, rush rush rush
As I merge
Again and again
In silent seductive surrender
Take me, Yemaya
Far out to the depths of your eternal blue
Into the heart of the swells
to ride in joyful playfulness
with the dolphins and the whales
The Eternal wisdom keepers...
Pulse of Gaia
Frog songs at night
Bird songs when dawn returns
Always the Pulse of Gaia lives in me
Remembering the wisdom way
The Pulse of Gaia
Day by day
Side by side
hand in hand
Groove by groove
Eternally dancing in delite upon her womb
Seductive passions of love's truths
I will always succomb... willingly
Hawaii, Feb 2008
bone crunching
jowels of hell
With eyes of fire piercing eternity
Eternal Guardians
Always watchful
Always foreboding
Always vengeful
Some place of evil doings
Terror beyond the imaginable
Lives here on this island
The forbidden land
Protected but wrongly taken
Deep pulsing mother earth
Yoni fat and moist
Dripping most enticing delites
An Eden poisoned.
What stories live here
I feel the bones
I see the blood
I know mine are here too
My blood and bones
Savage beyond the conceivable
A fortress impenetrable by design
Haunted forests
Ironwood dancing
Featherlike in the raging wind
The wind that never sleeps here
He he o a na..
He he o a na...
I come to pay my respects
I come in peace
I go in peace.
Polalu Valley, Hawaii, 2008
Raining the Tears of the World
God is dumping the seas upon our heads
Days and days of rain
Like a flood pouring from the skies.
This island is drenched
Like I would be
Were it not for this screened
Roofed sanctuary
The rain comes thru
In little spatters
Spits on me and this screen
Sweet sounds
Water makes
Smacking big green tropical leaves
Thumping a constant drone
Like the raging seas
Smacking again and again
Into black, volcanic rock
It is night again
The Cokee’s sing still
With sheets of water pouring upon them
Still they sing
Finding each other
Thru the eternal watering
Rhythm songs
Frogs are masters
Echoeing above it all
They pierce the night
Melodies divine
Rhythm rhapsody ride
I love to listen
All night long
Sometimes it’s hard to sleep
I want to hear it all
To absorb it
To make it part of me
This place
Pure, Free, Abundant in Life
I want to merge with it
So I stay present thru the night
Listening in my dreams
The rain always comes again here
Breathing moments before it falls again
All night long
All day long
The rain is my solid companion
Barely above the wind and rain
The ocean roars
Loud in my ears, I breathe to it
In and out with the surf
Always present
Always powerful
Wild, white water
Cascading against black rocks
I see it in here
From my bed
I see it
As part of me now
God is weeping the tears for a million lives lived
For those whose lands are filled with terror
Whose eyes may never see
The beauty that I know
In every moment
In every day
Even here
With the rain falling
Hard, fast and constant
There is beauty beyond beauty
Big Island, HI, 2008
Nature's Truths Remembered
Firelight dancing
beneath starry skies
Sweet orange disc
rises above the swirling sea
Moonlight dancing now in me
Sinking into
this way of being
So familiar
So effortless
So close to nature
The way God meant us to be
Eating the Fruit on the trees
the fish from the sea
Serenaded by the rhythms of nature
all around and within me
Sinking into this place
Inspiration returning
Re-learning myself
Sweetness in this life
We need so little
we have so much
most of which distracts us
from the simple truth.
Eye candy
Ear candy
Techno candy
Like sugar it rots us
leaving us wanting more,
searching for the next fix..
Nature teaches us perfect grace,
balance and harmony.
No false illusions, only truth.
Blessed are we who get to experience these ways
To remember that which is true and real
And to forget that that leads us astray
I give thanks
Sinking into sweetness.. again and again.
returning to remember
The simple ways of life feed me fully
Kaui, HI Jan 2008
Outside of our skin
We can begin again
To Merge
To Touch
To Know Another as we can Know Self…
Reaching Out
Reaching In
I Begin Again…
Rhythm I am
Vibrations within
Cells dance beneath this skin
Myriads of orgasmic pulses create me
I am Life, moving in Harmony
I am Unity.
Spirals of perfect light
Cascading within my inner sight
I am Rhythm
I am the Cosmic Pulse in form.
Rhythms of Truth
Rhythms of Truth
Sing thru the sea
Sing thru the wind
Sing thru me
Life itself
Is simple
It asks for nothing
It gives all of itself
Here in Heaven
I Am Remembering life as a way of being
Like the whales
Like the palms
Like the birds
Simply being
These are the Rhythms of Truth
Always present
Essence is Truth
All else is Illusion
Hawaii, 2008
This I Know
All I really know is when the groove is on
It’s another shade of being
Edges melt
Clarity increases
Senses enhanced
I AM Love
I see my lovers in everyone
I am touched by grace
In the groove
Live is living itself in me
My essence pulses deep and true
I am found there again
Innocent and pure
All I really know
Is when the groove is on
Streamside Muse
Sweetness of cool autumn nite envelopes me
Another place of home and I am
singing the song of silent contemplation..
Here by the Fall River
I am slower
I am softer
I am more receptive to the truths of life
Away from the distractions
I am only with myself
All I can hear is this river running thru me
All I can feel is stillness
deep and cherished
And in the quietness my heart rejoices
Here there is no expectation
No ringing cell phone
No need to do
No need at all
Here for this nite alone in sweetness
with firelight and river song
I AM only This...
Nothing is wrong...
Nothing is bad...
All in my life is love..
Yet to retreat, even for just one night,
is profoundly and wildly blissful.
I live for this stillness
As I do the wildness of rhythmic ectasy
and the pounding of feet on this blessed earth
It is all the same love
Yet the stillness inspires all
Reflections on the passionate being I am
Passionate about stillness
As I am passionate about sound explorations
As I am passionate about Love
As I am passionate about Sensuality
As I am passionate about Life...
As I AM..
In Love
Colorado, Nov 2007
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