Amazing heart sharings of songs created in the moment by ordinary real people given permission to explore and play
Super trancey, deep sharings of the soul come effortlessly when we are given permission to be real with our humanness
I know this as medicine, as food that keeps me sane and balanced in a world that seems determined to desensitize, disconnect and distract
When I think about the options for a night out: a loud DJ scene, get numbed out @ bars or with TV, try to talk (or avoid) to drunk people, another dinner at a restaurant, a class that directs my energy for me, telling me what to do when and how, a movie, surfing the net, checking email, going to sleep out of total over sensationalized exhaustion from doing, going, talking, working all day and feeling a little empty...
being where I was tonite: in a sacred space, creating music in the moment with other people, feeling and knowing myself as part of something REAL, tangible and clear that isn't a show but a full merging of spirit, and form with other beings who are open enough to be exposed, witnessed and support others in that same space..going to bed feeling inspired, lifted, grateful and totally amazed by witnessing other beings... I am now, and EVERY WEEK after th Muse session..
There is no contemplation on which is a more rewarding option for me: it's like saying do you want Intimacy and truth OR Sensationalism and Illusion... do you want to be Blasted by music that is unhealthily loud OR Embraced and softened by Ineractive Sensitivity...where the musicians will ACTUALLY RESPOND TO YOU, WITH YOU & FOR YOU? Do I want to watch the show or BE the EXPERIENCE ITSELF.. Hmm... ???
No brainer for me... Obviously that's why I keep showing up to do this Magical Mystical Muse Experience, & hold the space week after week...
Don't get me wrong.. all things have their place.. techno, DJ's and bars included.. and I'm not putting them down: Once in a while I even like to go to those places/events myself... I'm only suggesting that thru the obsession and exclusiveness of that "way" we are losing touch with some integral and powerful part of the human experience that is really the foundation for all of it.. Before electronica, and nightclubs was music circles, fire circles, drumming, dancing... they are the total root of where we are now, it's always been music that's brought people together.. only now most of what we are hearing isn't really live, there's no direct and real interaction between the musicians and the dancers.. (obviously I'm talking about electronica here, not bands). Music has become more of a spectator sport than a participatory community experience that connects people and empowers people to sing, and be part of the creation...
Well..for those of you in Boulder.. you may not know what you miss every Wednesday night from 9-11 PM, so you may not even miss it.. but I can tell you there is some really sweet and powerful magic happening, totally different every week... There is a beautiful and intimate community forming that is creating something very unique in these times where people have, for the most part, forgotten that making music, telling stories and being humans together is a NATURAL EXPERIENCE...
If you haven't made it yet, or have been away for a while... come play with us.. you might just find something you didn't know how much you were missing... YOUR SELF... and a transcendental experience of the human beingness that goes beyond words...
Consider this a formal invitation.. if you're not in Boulder, find a space and invite people to come play in it with you, get funky, get creative, get OPEN, pray, dance, sing, tell your stories, and turn off the stereo and the super loud stuff and listen to the sweet still space between the beats and between the moments, hear the breath of each other, the sounds of the night breathing with you, the songs you never knew were in you... the ancient voices, the future prophesies...
Do it.. it's the oldest most ancient art form and it's being lost and forgotten to techno and bars...
It's worth considering: Once in a while, give yourself the chance to experience the natural essence of music, acoustic, and co-created in community... this is the roots of all of it... truly... don't forget..and teach the children..
See ya in the Dreamtime..
Boulder: Wednesday nights 8:45 PM-10:30: The Magical Mystical Muse Experience: Sacred Improv Jam space for everyone