Friday, October 12, 2007

My Open Opened Heart

I can't help it, late at night after this medicine of Music Making, my heart is just so open and full with love and inspiration, my body is tired and full, and I want to share it, spread it around and ignite passion in the hearts of others to PLAY TOGETHER in this healthy and positive way.

Generations of beings, from 60-10 years old are sharing space together, praying around candles and sharing the depths of the human experience thru this practice. Voices carrying, real human voices, not altered, reverbed and fixed up to sound "perfect" but real true voices of all facets of human expression: sadness, fear, exhaustion, stress, joy, goofiness, play, prayer.. it's all showing up every week in the practice of The Muse...

And I am so honored to have been asked this coming weekend to participate in an event @ CU that is promoting awareness of community sharings, talking circles, music making and the arts as an alternative to our youth to bars, fights and street violence. I am so touched...

And I am so tired.. sleep comes to me so much easier after a night like this when my heart is just wide open with love and compassion and the experience of witnessing and being witnessed in a creative, unique, shamanistic way with other beings of profound love...

Thank you to those who participate in this practice of mindfullness, this mediation of the soul, and this way of being together that goes beyond any other experience I've ever known in this life... the most real, tangible and profound sharings I've ever known..

Thank you.. from the bottom of my heart.

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