Monday, August 30, 2010

Dancing Coyote Canyon Family Gathering

Prayers emerging in this bright sunny mountain valley

From beneath blanketed lodge, voices of many, sometimes joining together in song

Sometimes one single prayer offered and held sacred by all inside and out

Fire raging in the warming day crackles and offers soothing sweetness to this valley

Aspen sing praises twirling like dainty ballerinas graceful in sight and sound

No time

No place

The dance of rememberance is moving thru us

Home is here

Still point awaits the song of creation breaking forth from it's sweet depths.

Home we are together..

Together we are one loving breathing dancing musing swirling surrendering into the NOW


The First Dancing Coyote Canyon Family Gathering this weekend was a gem of an experience! Thanks to Ahva and Matthew and Pattie for all their hard work and organizing of this sweet treat at the end of summer! The Rhythm Sanctuary community came together Sat night for a Muse Ceremony and it was such a personal treat for me to share and experience this activated family of movers and shakers and poets and magical beings! The bliss was running high and the aspen littered valley sang with us by offering a little smattering of late night rain just at the perfect time when we were all inside, cozy and warm! Bodies groovin, voices singing and the popcorn poetry that came forth was truly Muse Inspired magic in the making!

Can't wait for the next one! And definitly, if you need a sweet spot for a retreat, check out it's a fabulous place, and Matthew who owns the place is a rare gem of a being to work with... totally in service to goodness and easefulness. He resonates joy thru his true love and light in every moment! Dancing Coyote Canyon is only about 2.5 hours from Denver and a worthy and scenic drive!

Thanks to all of you for sharing your love and light!

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