Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wild Woman's Wisdom
Wild woman
You are
Like a strong fire
That rushes
All over my
Entire body
Wild woman
I love the way
You kiss me tonight
And I can feel you holding
Me tight
Wild woman
Wild woman
Wild woman
See you next time
I am glad that you were
Mine tonight just for a
Little while
Aldo Kraas
The aspect of the "Wild Woman" brings up so many images and concepts to explore, and as this year's "Awaken the Wild Woman Within" Retreat approaches, I am feeling called to listen more deeply to my own callings and stirrings within that have been whispering, singing and at times screaming to me to get my attention. In modern culture, the wild part of all of us, man and woman alike, has been almost discouraged from having it's full or even fair expression. We are taught to be "good" children, obedient, and to do the "right" thing, even at the cost of our very souls sometimes. We are, in modern culture, taught that wildness is something to be tamed, subdued, quieted and kept contained very carefully in the dark places of our subconscious minds, dreamstates or fantasy realms. Wildness is looked at as "crazy" or "intense" and is so often, especially for women, given strong sexual connotations. "She's Wild," or "wild thing," etc.
In a lot of ways, being wild is looked down on, or thought of as immature or not being "responsible" in the world. And to me, that is a sad reality in the modern world. Wild things are kept in cages, they are unsafe, unpredictable by nature and as such aren't to be relied on. There are volumes to go into here on the reality of what "civilization" has done to wild women (who were, at one time, labled witches), wild cultures (African, Native American, etc), wild animals, and wild places. There is a deep seated fear of the whole concept of the wild, both within us and outside of us.
In January of 2010, I started to have some pretty interesting dreams while working in Costa Rica. In one dream, I gave birth to a litter of kittens, and when I went to pick one up, it turned into this crazy wild animal, biting me and almost alien like in it's intensity and I had to throw it down and lock the door lest it destroy me. In another dream, there was a big beautiful tiger that someone had killed for money in the jungle I was living in, and a huge panther that had been domesticated and was on a leash, miserable in it's domestication. For three months, I had dream after dream in this vein, many of them involving cats, and all of them having this theme of wildness domesticated, or a wild animal being domesticated... and from these dreams came the realization that there was/is a part of myself that is calling to be free, calling to be honored and expressed: the wild nature of the feminine was calling to me thru the dream worlds.
And, so when Sofiah and I started talking about doing a retreat for women this year, it was these dreams that were a part of my personal inspiration for bringing women together to work with the deeper, subconscious, primal aspects of ourselves that aren't "societally" (or even "spiritually" sometimes) accepted, acknowledged or even totally unveiled yet.
Being in touch with our "wild side" is really, in essence about being in touch with our authentic selves, our deeper selves, the part that plays out it's fantasies in dreams or in the dark mysterious places of our deep subconscious. What if, instead of being ashamed of our primal pulses (lust, jealousy, magic, shame, guilt, fear, etc) we could find ways to look deep into them and find jewels there? Therein lie the teachings of compassion and/or the voices of our untamable expressive spirits just waiting for us to give them a chance to move thru us. Movement, play, art, drumming, and reflective time in nature are some of the most powerful means known to the human being to access and channel the subconscious into the superconscious. This is what "Awaken the Wild Woman Within" is all about!
My hit is that by unveiling these pieces of ourselves, and integrating them with the same kind of respect we give to the beautiful, bright pieces of ourselves, we become more whole, more natural, more comfortable and more real in the world. And, by doing THAT, we become examples of authentic, expressed beings who can then inspire the same in others.
A wild woman is fearless in being totally herself, expressed fully in integrity with her passions and deeper truths, and unintimidated by those who find that expression threatening or too real.
A wild woman is in love with this life, and in love with all parts of herself... even the shadows for they give us our deepest teachings.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wild Woman Sharings from Sofiah Thom
It’s important with any practice that we allow ourselves to let go of our thoughts and emotions, so we can be an open channel for our authentic expression. In the beginning when I am paddling, my thoughts are more active, once I allow myself to move through the monkey mind, there lies a stillness underneath. The gentle rocking of the Ocean helps magnify the stillness within.
I surrender to the great life force and I am moved, through sound, breath and inner vibration, I float on my paddle board and become one with this great life force that is me.
I am reminded how important it is to create the space in our daily lives to connect to our inner selves, to let go of the monkey mind and be at peace with who we are deep within.
I feel this is relative to our retreat coming up in February, Awaken the Wild Woman Within, for me, this retreat is about allowing ourselves the space to express our authentic selves at all times. Before we can be an open channel of pure consciousness, we must accept all of aspects of ourselves, including the ugly parts we may have repressed, it is time to free up the emotions, allowing them to release.
We are perfect as we are, we all possess a primal, instinctive, powerful nature which wants to be seen and heard, in order to be whole and happy as we walk through our lives, we must accept and express all of our parts of our inner nature.
I hope you can join us tapping into our power and expression, connecting with our raw passion and authenticity as we Awaken the Wild Woman Within.
I surrender to the great life force and I am moved, through sound, breath and inner vibration, I float on my paddle board and become one with this great life force that is me.
I am reminded how important it is to create the space in our daily lives to connect to our inner selves, to let go of the monkey mind and be at peace with who we are deep within.
I feel this is relative to our retreat coming up in February, Awaken the Wild Woman Within, for me, this retreat is about allowing ourselves the space to express our authentic selves at all times. Before we can be an open channel of pure consciousness, we must accept all of aspects of ourselves, including the ugly parts we may have repressed, it is time to free up the emotions, allowing them to release.
We are perfect as we are, we all possess a primal, instinctive, powerful nature which wants to be seen and heard, in order to be whole and happy as we walk through our lives, we must accept and express all of our parts of our inner nature.
I hope you can join us tapping into our power and expression, connecting with our raw passion and authenticity as we Awaken the Wild Woman Within.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Gratitude I AM
A little something I wrote before anyone arrived in a few moments of cherished solitude on the Day of Gratitude I hosted at Muse Home Nov 20, 2010
Gratitude I Am
Sitting with sunlite streaming into me
The mists floating
Gently hovering above the stillness of the lake
Hiding the mountain tops
Shadows of trees melting into their sensual embrace
Gratitude I Am
Tears of acknowledgement flowing
for every step of the journey that has led me
Here Now
Quietly reflecting on this life
My heart has been busted sweetly open
Again and again and again
Tears of rage have brought me compassionate understanding
Fears of losing have taught me the richness that I Am
thru Vulnerability's bitter but sweet deep kisses
Gratitude I Am
Depression has taught me the mysterious ways that darkness calls forth lite
Anxiety has shown me to rest thru exhaustion's paralyzing inertia
Grief is still teaching me the preciousness of each moment
Grief reminds me to listen less
to fear, depresssion and anxiety's strangely seductive songs
Gratitude I Am
Dancing mind births surrender into stillness
The lines on my face etch my time passing
like a wild tempest wind
Fast and furiously earth shaking
This home allows me to be the grace I am thru the sharing of space that is my bliss
Gratitude I Am
For the passing of cycles
Fall into winter
Forgivenss into compassion
Anger into Soft sadness
Stillness into Divine Union
Gratitude I Am
For the friends who have listened to my stories
Again and again and again
For the mother who carried me in her womb
gifting me this life
to be challenged
to be overjoyed
to be witness and witnessed
For the creatures great and small
that amaze and captivate my heart with awe
The four leggeds and winged ones
The creepy's and the crawlies
The enchanted ones of the sea and the underworlds
For this earth and all it's abundance and ever unfolding magic
For the gifts of rhythm and song
And all that they have allowed me to experience as bliss in union with Creation
Gratitude I Am
For my unbalanced intensity that humbles me
when it rages thru me like a tidal wave
reminding me my work is far from done
Reminding me that I am
For what some call my "overexpressiveness" and all that it represents
as one being being real and authentic in this under expressed society
where so many are afraid of truth and heart felt sharings
For the facade that I refuse to wear that "societal" appropriateness dictates
For the scared insecure little girl
who is as much me as is the Warrior Queen
As fearless as I am, so too are the depths of my fears
Gratitude I AM
As above, so below
For the duality and it's suffering nature
reminding me to discipline myself more to choose acceptance of what is
For this home I sit in now and all that it has already been home to
love, life, music, community and warm fires..
For the teachers in every being I meet
For this moment now
Quietly sitting with sunlite streaming into me
The mists floating
Gently hovering above the stillness of the lake
Hiding the mountain tops
Shadows of trees melting into their sensual embrace
And tears flowing like sweet nectar
to soften all of me into the
Gratitude I Am
Monday, November 15, 2010
Women's Wisdom
Last night's Women's Wisdom Prayer Share was such a clear and sweet reminder of why I am so committed and in love with being together in creative community! Each of us is so blessed with powerful life experiences and each of those experiences teach us a piece of wisdom that we sometimes just sort of tuck in to our selves without thinking much of it. When in circle and someone pops open, and the tears come, it is a rare and special opportunity for us to reach out and share our nuggets of wisdom with that person and that has been happening so beautifully and organically at the Women's Prayer Share that Muse Home has been hosting!
Having the lovely Una Viggiani, visual artist and facilitator, who is also working with me on the retreat in Costa Rica (Awakening the Wild Woman Within) with us last night allowed the women to express visuallly the gratitude and embodiment that we are cultivating as we move forward in these times and for me definitly brought up my fears and insecurities around visual expression. Ooh..
I am so grateful for the community of women, not just here in Boulder, but worldwide who understands and values the heartfelt work of transparent sharing and baring of our hearts and souls. I honor you.. sisters of the world..
Having the lovely Una Viggiani, visual artist and facilitator, who is also working with me on the retreat in Costa Rica (Awakening the Wild Woman Within) with us last night allowed the women to express visuallly the gratitude and embodiment that we are cultivating as we move forward in these times and for me definitly brought up my fears and insecurities around visual expression. Ooh..
I am so grateful for the community of women, not just here in Boulder, but worldwide who understands and values the heartfelt work of transparent sharing and baring of our hearts and souls. I honor you.. sisters of the world..
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
On Vulnerability
One of the pieces that has come up for me over and over in these past few months, that I'm feeling to share this month is the concept of vulnerability. As humans, with big open loving hearts, we are vulnerable. In our culture we seem to have a fascination with strength, youth and impermeability. What I've been learning, more than anything else this summer, is that our true strength lives in our ability to be vulnerable, over and over. It was like a light bulb one day for me on Jesus's teaching of "turn the other cheek." Love is always loving. Vulnerability doesn't have to mean weakness in the typical definition. I'm learning that true vulnerability means being receptive, open and continuing to love in spite of the infinite hits we take to our hearts and minds. It means recognizing and honoring our tenderness, and taking care of ourselves when we need rest and quiet and sanctuary rather than just closing down, overdoing or filling the hole. Vulnerability allows a certain grace as a willingness to accept life for all of what it is and it is nothing to be ashamed of!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sanctuary within my skin
The rhythm brings me in again
To pray at lotus feet upon which I stand
as movement lifts me into my own Promised Land
The temple I am
this form holds the formless
merging worlds above and below
My body teaches me
what I need to know
Silently hovering in ether's embrace
one arm drifts down
I am entranced
I am danced
I am bedazzled by the glow I feel
Igniting spirit thru flesh
Nothing else is real
Sanctuary within my skin
Temple I am
Without and within
The rhythm brings me in again
To pray at lotus feet upon which I stand
as movement lifts me into my own Promised Land
The temple I am
this form holds the formless
merging worlds above and below
My body teaches me
what I need to know
Silently hovering in ether's embrace
one arm drifts down
I am entranced
I am danced
I am bedazzled by the glow I feel
Igniting spirit thru flesh
Nothing else is real
Sanctuary within my skin
Temple I am
Without and within
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Return My Queen
Return to me
Your throne sits awaiting you
Atop my skillfully filled skull
overflowing with mindless chatter
Until the moment you arise in me
Then like rivers of glass
enchanting me your eyes meet mine
Remembrance is so divine
And all time stills as you pour into me like wine
Sweetened by life's tragedies
Tainted by none
Deepened by tears of grief
Shined brilliant by the sun
Magically appearing
In the midst of cold black night
My Queen, your majesty I behold
Your presence is my insight
Even the blackest lump of lead
Returned to fine spun gold...
Even the aging heart of death
sprouts the seeds of young in old
Passing from one form to another
Wise crone, tender mother
Sacred whore betrayed by lustful men
Let's love again and again come in
Return to me
Sister of Grace and of Mercy
Your sword is sharp and quick to fall
where truth goes astray..
Warrior Queen
My Heart is yours
Forever More
Return to me
Stray no more.
Your throne sits awaiting you
Atop my skillfully filled skull
overflowing with mindless chatter
Until the moment you arise in me
Then like rivers of glass
enchanting me your eyes meet mine
Remembrance is so divine
And all time stills as you pour into me like wine
Sweetened by life's tragedies
Tainted by none
Deepened by tears of grief
Shined brilliant by the sun
Magically appearing
In the midst of cold black night
My Queen, your majesty I behold
Your presence is my insight
Even the blackest lump of lead
Returned to fine spun gold...
Even the aging heart of death
sprouts the seeds of young in old
Passing from one form to another
Wise crone, tender mother
Sacred whore betrayed by lustful men
Let's love again and again come in
Return to me
Sister of Grace and of Mercy
Your sword is sharp and quick to fall
where truth goes astray..
Warrior Queen
My Heart is yours
Forever More
Return to me
Stray no more.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Creekside Muse
I never want to leave you
once I've sunk back into your embrace
Your tender stillness empties me
Time becomes like a lost happy child
wandering aimlessly
exploring the forests of possibilities
with curious eyes and an innocent heart
Known to no one
Here by creekside's constant cooing
my heart cracks open
I am soft
spilled into tranquil pools
where rocks like my heart
are softened to sand
washed away into the vastness that is your love
My body melts
My body vacant but for you
The willow's swishing soft hair-like tendrils
brush gently against my skin like a lover
The one you are for me
Stirring me to stay longer
I succomb willingly
opening to your breath again and again..
Nothing is as this
No place else is home
My beloved lives here
Naked, unadorned, freely dancing in the wind
Turning white fluffy clouds into magical imaginations of the mind
hovering above me as this earth spins
Turning leaves and water and air into symphonies of perfect grace
I never want to leave you
once I've sunk back into your embrace
Your tender stillness empties me
Time becomes like a lost happy child
wandering aimlessly
exploring the forests of possibilities
with curious eyes and an innocent heart
Known to no one
Here by creekside's constant cooing
my heart cracks open
I am soft
spilled into tranquil pools
where rocks like my heart
are softened to sand
washed away into the vastness that is your love
My body melts
My body vacant but for you
The willow's swishing soft hair-like tendrils
brush gently against my skin like a lover
The one you are for me
Stirring me to stay longer
I succomb willingly
opening to your breath again and again..
Nothing is as this
No place else is home
My beloved lives here
Naked, unadorned, freely dancing in the wind
Turning white fluffy clouds into magical imaginations of the mind
hovering above me as this earth spins
Turning leaves and water and air into symphonies of perfect grace
I never want to leave you
Monday, August 30, 2010
Dancing Coyote Canyon Family Gathering
Prayers emerging in this bright sunny mountain valley
From beneath blanketed lodge, voices of many, sometimes joining together in song
Sometimes one single prayer offered and held sacred by all inside and out
Fire raging in the warming day crackles and offers soothing sweetness to this valley
Aspen sing praises twirling like dainty ballerinas graceful in sight and sound
No time
No place
The dance of rememberance is moving thru us
Home is here
Still point awaits the song of creation breaking forth from it's sweet depths.
Home we are together..
Together we are one loving breathing dancing musing swirling surrendering into the NOW
The First Dancing Coyote Canyon Family Gathering this weekend was a gem of an experience! Thanks to Ahva and Matthew and Pattie for all their hard work and organizing of this sweet treat at the end of summer! The Rhythm Sanctuary community came together Sat night for a Muse Ceremony and it was such a personal treat for me to share and experience this activated family of movers and shakers and poets and magical beings! The bliss was running high and the aspen littered valley sang with us by offering a little smattering of late night rain just at the perfect time when we were all inside, cozy and warm! Bodies groovin, voices singing and the popcorn poetry that came forth was truly Muse Inspired magic in the making!
Can't wait for the next one! And definitly, if you need a sweet spot for a retreat, check out http://www.dancingcoyotecanyon.com it's a fabulous place, and Matthew who owns the place is a rare gem of a being to work with... totally in service to goodness and easefulness. He resonates joy thru his true love and light in every moment! Dancing Coyote Canyon is only about 2.5 hours from Denver and a worthy and scenic drive!
Thanks to all of you for sharing your love and light!
Moment of Stillness
Your breathe makes me quiver
like aspen leaves do
with the most subtle whisper of your essence
dripping thru the air
You delite me in ways indescribable
Sensually stirring me beyond the physical
Stilling me
I am captivated
Speechlessly in awe of your embrace
I can not move
yet all of me is flowing
I can not think
yet all of me lives in knowing
I can not breathe
yet your breath sustains me
I am yours and you are all that I am
Waves of fleecy swaying grasses hypnotize me
holding me captive
Enraptured by the way you kiss me
body, mind and soul
And in these moments with you
the rest is silenced
I am whole
Full beyond fullness
One beyond Oneness
With you Beloved
I am free
I am home
Cheri Shanti
Aug 26, 2010
like aspen leaves do
with the most subtle whisper of your essence
dripping thru the air
You delite me in ways indescribable
Sensually stirring me beyond the physical
Stilling me
I am captivated
Speechlessly in awe of your embrace
I can not move
yet all of me is flowing
I can not think
yet all of me lives in knowing
I can not breathe
yet your breath sustains me
I am yours and you are all that I am
Waves of fleecy swaying grasses hypnotize me
holding me captive
Enraptured by the way you kiss me
body, mind and soul
And in these moments with you
the rest is silenced
I am whole
Full beyond fullness
One beyond Oneness
With you Beloved
I am free
I am home
Cheri Shanti
Aug 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sacred Space Jam: Sister Muse Sweetness
Magical Mystical Muse works are by far the most powerful medicine I have found for the dis-ease of Modern living. Co-creative, playful, deeply moving, prayerful, transformative and invoking the spirit of oneness, Muse experiences allow us to be witnessed, to hold space, to share and to meet in a profound way. Most of our lives are spent in the mundane, talking about our daily challenges or joys, our lives, our jobs, our frustrations, and often there is a certain level of superficiality to the exchanges, "Hey, how are you?" "Good.." because there isn't time, or because there aren't words to express the depths of what may be really going on for us in this wildly spinning world where the changes that are happening are fast, furious and sometimes totally unruly and insensitive to our more childlike, deeper, curious essences. This world can be so sweet, and so cruel all in one day.
Muse Experiences where we can let go, unwind, sing, dance, cry, lay on the floor and belt out our pain or our joy, writh in ecstasy or in sorrow, drum, pray and just simply be our true essence in the presence of others are a reprieve from the mundane, and a medicine that is deeply needed in these times. Last night I visited the Sacred Space Jam at the Starhouse and was right at home in the sweet and delightful facilitation by founder Karen and Michael Travers. I felt last night that I was in the presence of the Master Musers. Profoundly moving, the bodies, voices and music wove their way in and out of high states of trance and intense booty shaking. Many offered at the end of the night that the highlight was when the moon came shining thru the windows of the perfecly placed Alchemical temple we know as the Starhouse in Boulder, CO. The crystal bowl, the hang, and a circle of voices praying their hearts out carried us into the silence that closes the practice. Certainly, I too felt that magic as the crystaline point of our hearts, souls and bodies merging in service to the Muses that service us!
These practices are opening us into our hearts. I am honored to meet another sister carrying the torch of creative free expression and look forward to sharing every month at the Sacred Space Jam in Boulder! Don't miss the next one, and look for the Muse Practice which will be returning to fill in the spaces in between the Sacred Space Jams.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Medicine of Music
Bodies moving
Sensual delite
The Medicine of Music
Healing all this nite
Faces beaming blissful beingness
In the seduction of the groove
Hips soft like river dance
hands making air romance
feet praying for a chance
to live again
another breath
just to feed this medicine
to my soul
Music takes away all pain
Music makes the insane sane
Like honey dripping from the hive
the medicine of the muse alone
is keeping me alive to thrive
Only the passion of the pulse can turn the dark to light
Ignite the nite
magnify the lite
send my body swish swish
yum yum into sweet delite
unable to be explained
so deep beyond all space and time
body, spirit and mind
I venture in thru rhythm's eye
And there
I find
Myself awaiting the return of her beloved...
Sensual delite
The Medicine of Music
Healing all this nite
Faces beaming blissful beingness
In the seduction of the groove
Hips soft like river dance
hands making air romance
feet praying for a chance
to live again
another breath
just to feed this medicine
to my soul
Music takes away all pain
Music makes the insane sane
Like honey dripping from the hive
the medicine of the muse alone
is keeping me alive to thrive
Only the passion of the pulse can turn the dark to light
Ignite the nite
magnify the lite
send my body swish swish
yum yum into sweet delite
unable to be explained
so deep beyond all space and time
body, spirit and mind
I venture in thru rhythm's eye
And there
I find
Myself awaiting the return of her beloved...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Upcoming Events & Updates
This week: Don't forget
Awakening the Wild Woman Within
Evolution of the Drum Circle & Alchemuse Drum & Dance Celebration at Double Rainbow Ranch
Hope to see you there!
I leave for my NE Tour on Sunday, off to
Drum & Splash in PN
Starwood Festival in OH
Syrius Rising in NY
Summerland in NY
and more...
Keep in touch and The Muse Network is coming very soon, so stay posted and start sending me resources, links and events to post on the Muse Network for you until we are ready to launch it fully to the world!
Awakening the Wild Woman Within
Evolution of the Drum Circle & Alchemuse Drum & Dance Celebration at Double Rainbow Ranch
Hope to see you there!
I leave for my NE Tour on Sunday, off to
Drum & Splash in PN
Starwood Festival in OH
Syrius Rising in NY
Summerland in NY
and more...
Keep in touch and The Muse Network is coming very soon, so stay posted and start sending me resources, links and events to post on the Muse Network for you until we are ready to launch it fully to the world!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Upcoming Event: June 26
4:30 pm - 6:30 PM - Evolution of the Drum Circle - $30
Applications and Teachings for Better Drum Circles & Community Music Making
OPEN TO ALL MUSICIANS.. bring sound equipment if you need it!***
7 PM POTLUCK, 8 PM Open Circle $10
This experiential workshop offers an in depth look at drum circle dynamics: past, present and future. Be sure to bring your instruments, a notepad and your wisdom to share with us!
In this workshop we will:
*Explore Ancient Methods of Drum and Dance Cultures around the world
*Examine Current Paradigms for Drum Circles
*Learn Tools to help Evolve and Transform your Community Drum Circles
*Learn the 10 Conscious Considerations for Better Recreatioinal Music Making
*Learn the 4 Building Blocks for Building better Drum Circles
*Have fun, meet new people who share your desire for better and more creative drumming experiences!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Poem from A Florida Drummer
We all arrive gradually,
Slowly form a circle under the trees,
Talking in the breeze,
Not breaking our inertia.
Out across the circle,
Someone reaches for his hand drum,
Strikes idle notes that turn into a rhythm.
Ears prick up;
Sounds like he’s on to something;
One or two others pick up their drums.
Up strike the djun-djuns,
Bass drums of Africa;
Mellow, singing bass drums
Almost like marimbas.
They get a-goin’
Goin’ on a rhythm,
Rhythm like a river;
We’re all embarked on it.
Someone’s brought his congas,
Rich, full and round sound,
Building on the djun-djuns,
Rounding out the rhythm.
Djembes everywhere,
Stemmed cups of wood that serve a heady vintage—
The boom and the clang,
The boom and the clang;
Exultation under drummers’ hands.
Tones of an ashiko drum
Meshing with the djembes,
Strong, compelling bass
That stirs us into action.
A crowd gathers round now,
Drawn by the drum-song.
This is what they came for:
Waiting for the drummers
To carry them away.
A woman stands up,
Shakes back her hair,
Steps into the ring,
Begins to dance.
Another looks on;
Her mind is made up now;
She stands and she steps.
Two sisters dancing now,
Exchanging smiles of welcome;
Two sisters dancing—
Another one—
Someone strikes a tambourine,
Claves, bell or wood block;
Deft punctuation;
The song takes on an accent.
Someone’s drumming hot now,
Strikes up a solo,
A dazzling, crackling rattle;
The rhythm undergirds him,
Rich, sustaining rhythm;
He feeds from his brothers,
His brothers and his sisters;
We all feed from him;
All caught up in it,
Caught up to glory;
We’re rising—
We’re rising—
We rise and we soar!
The drummers start to dance now,
Dancing behind their drums,
Dancing in their harness.
Rooted in their places,
Takes a lot to get them moving,
But still, every now and then
There’s just no stopping it.
Accents come from everywhere,
Like nature roused to chorus—
Bells and tambourines ring,
Woodblocks and claves’ clink,
Rods and shakers rattle;
Someone plays a flute.
Other musicians come out with their instruments;
A blare of saxophones,
A peal of horns;
They want to take part in it.
The drums sink low now,
Thunder held in deference,
Restrained to accompany
Some delicate notes—
Soft boom of didgeri-doo,
Guitar’s gentle song,
Gliding of violin,
Set to muted thunder.
The drums rise up again,
Take up their ascendancy,
Rolling and booming out,
A wild exultation.
The solo rings out again,
A full crescendo crashing out,
Crashing and soaring out,
Rising up to climax.
At last the drums fall silent;
We bask in the afterglow,
Shake the tingle from our hands, quench our thirst, talk in the gentle breeze;
The circle drifts apart.
Then out across the circle,
Someone reaches for his hand drum,
Strikes idle notes that turn into a rhythm.
Ears prick up;
Sounds like he’s on to something.
One or two others pick up their drums.
We all start drifting back;
This new rhythm’s rising
To sweep us up once more.
© 2005 Daniel Gedamke. All rights reserved.
We all arrive gradually,
Slowly form a circle under the trees,
Talking in the breeze,
Not breaking our inertia.
Out across the circle,
Someone reaches for his hand drum,
Strikes idle notes that turn into a rhythm.
Ears prick up;
Sounds like he’s on to something;
One or two others pick up their drums.
Up strike the djun-djuns,
Bass drums of Africa;
Mellow, singing bass drums
Almost like marimbas.
They get a-goin’
Goin’ on a rhythm,
Rhythm like a river;
We’re all embarked on it.
Someone’s brought his congas,
Rich, full and round sound,
Building on the djun-djuns,
Rounding out the rhythm.
Djembes everywhere,
Stemmed cups of wood that serve a heady vintage—
The boom and the clang,
The boom and the clang;
Exultation under drummers’ hands.
Tones of an ashiko drum
Meshing with the djembes,
Strong, compelling bass
That stirs us into action.
A crowd gathers round now,
Drawn by the drum-song.
This is what they came for:
Waiting for the drummers
To carry them away.
A woman stands up,
Shakes back her hair,
Steps into the ring,
Begins to dance.
Another looks on;
Her mind is made up now;
She stands and she steps.
Two sisters dancing now,
Exchanging smiles of welcome;
Two sisters dancing—
Another one—
Someone strikes a tambourine,
Claves, bell or wood block;
Deft punctuation;
The song takes on an accent.
Someone’s drumming hot now,
Strikes up a solo,
A dazzling, crackling rattle;
The rhythm undergirds him,
Rich, sustaining rhythm;
He feeds from his brothers,
His brothers and his sisters;
We all feed from him;
All caught up in it,
Caught up to glory;
We’re rising—
We’re rising—
We rise and we soar!
The drummers start to dance now,
Dancing behind their drums,
Dancing in their harness.
Rooted in their places,
Takes a lot to get them moving,
But still, every now and then
There’s just no stopping it.
Accents come from everywhere,
Like nature roused to chorus—
Bells and tambourines ring,
Woodblocks and claves’ clink,
Rods and shakers rattle;
Someone plays a flute.
Other musicians come out with their instruments;
A blare of saxophones,
A peal of horns;
They want to take part in it.
The drums sink low now,
Thunder held in deference,
Restrained to accompany
Some delicate notes—
Soft boom of didgeri-doo,
Guitar’s gentle song,
Gliding of violin,
Set to muted thunder.
The drums rise up again,
Take up their ascendancy,
Rolling and booming out,
A wild exultation.
The solo rings out again,
A full crescendo crashing out,
Crashing and soaring out,
Rising up to climax.
At last the drums fall silent;
We bask in the afterglow,
Shake the tingle from our hands, quench our thirst, talk in the gentle breeze;
The circle drifts apart.
Then out across the circle,
Someone reaches for his hand drum,
Strikes idle notes that turn into a rhythm.
Ears prick up;
Sounds like he’s on to something.
One or two others pick up their drums.
We all start drifting back;
This new rhythm’s rising
To sweep us up once more.
© 2005 Daniel Gedamke. All rights reserved.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Awaken the Wild Woman Within
The Awaken the Wild Woman Within Series has officially begun, and after this first event, I am more than inspired and excited to bring it forth to the world!
15 women gathered last night, May 26, 2010 for the First Unveiling of the Awaken the Wild Woman Within Muse in Melbourne, FL.
The power and grace that came forth throughout the 3 hour experience was moving and profoundly magical.
At the end of the night, when the women were sharing their experiences and journeys with me, I was touched by something like a humble awe of what had transpired in the evening within each woman there and I could see a visible difference in the way these women were holding themselves and each other. The bonding that had occurred between them, but also within them to themselves, was purely a gift to witness.
Here's what some of them had to say about the experience:
"Freeing, enlightening about myself, empowering!"
"Empowering Energy: I was able to identify my true essence."
"This was a great medium for women to get together to express themselves through their primal essence."
"Opening and Releasing"
The women shared their journeys of seeing and freeing their inner primal essence. There were stories of animals transforming and molding one into another as they journeyed through and into themselves, colors and swirls, their Wild Women digging them out of the mud of their domesticated existance, and on and on.
The inspiration of this night will feed me for many many years as the birthplace of a direction on my path to bring more women into their wild nature, to break off the chains of society's expectations and find ourselves free, empowered and moving with the magic, and strength of who we truly are.
15 women gathered last night, May 26, 2010 for the First Unveiling of the Awaken the Wild Woman Within Muse in Melbourne, FL.
The power and grace that came forth throughout the 3 hour experience was moving and profoundly magical.
At the end of the night, when the women were sharing their experiences and journeys with me, I was touched by something like a humble awe of what had transpired in the evening within each woman there and I could see a visible difference in the way these women were holding themselves and each other. The bonding that had occurred between them, but also within them to themselves, was purely a gift to witness.
Here's what some of them had to say about the experience:
"Freeing, enlightening about myself, empowering!"
"Empowering Energy: I was able to identify my true essence."
"This was a great medium for women to get together to express themselves through their primal essence."
"Opening and Releasing"
The women shared their journeys of seeing and freeing their inner primal essence. There were stories of animals transforming and molding one into another as they journeyed through and into themselves, colors and swirls, their Wild Women digging them out of the mud of their domesticated existance, and on and on.
The inspiration of this night will feed me for many many years as the birthplace of a direction on my path to bring more women into their wild nature, to break off the chains of society's expectations and find ourselves free, empowered and moving with the magic, and strength of who we truly are.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Unity Women Empowering Women
Last night's Unity of the Gardens Women Empowering Women's group proved to be a very special evening. Of course, it always is a special evening when we get to come together to play, dance, sing and share ourselves with each other, but the women who came last night to the event held some touching stories and I felt that the medicine that the Muse brought forth last night will be forthcoming for some time to come in their lives.
The Unity of the Gardens Women Empowering Women group meets once a month, and I had been selected to be the presentor for the May event.
The word got out about the drumming and in addition to the Unity Churh women who were regular attendees to this event, a group that wasn't at all connected to the church showed up from a home where women go to recover and rehabilitate from addictions and abuse. I was immediately touched by their openness and humble soft spirits. We talked about how the quest for God and divinity is the real driving force behind many addictions and they had a lot to ask me about meditation and other practices to work with the mind and body healing they were in the midst of.
These women are facing and moving through their darkness with a kind of courage and willingness that comes from the place of surrendering into new strength. Most of them had never experienced a drum circle, or anything like a Muse experience in their lives. They ranged in age from 19-50ish and I could feel that some of them had some pretty intense stories they were working to re-arrange in their own heads, hearts and selves and I felt so grateful that spirit had brought this group to be a part of this nite.
As always, the circle opened with intention, followed by some moments of quiet reflection to ground and relax, and just seeing them soften, their shoulders relax and their breathing unite was a gift to experience in and of itself. I know for a few of them the whole experience was like stepping into some bizarre field of whackiness, and I could feel the trepidation within them at the onset. In spite of it, they were brave enough to be open and I watched them soften, laugh, smile, and free themselves little by little, more with each excercise we did!
And seeing them after the circle closed, looking softer and more radiant, feeling how much more connected they were to each other, and the opening that I could feel and see in their hearts was the sweetest gift I could have and reminded me once again of why I love this work. I am so grateful and humbled to be sharing this in this world!
Thanks to the women of Unity and all who came last night for sharing yourselves and being brave and fearless in the great unknown.. and finding your joy there waiting for you!
The Unity of the Gardens Women Empowering Women group meets once a month, and I had been selected to be the presentor for the May event.
The word got out about the drumming and in addition to the Unity Churh women who were regular attendees to this event, a group that wasn't at all connected to the church showed up from a home where women go to recover and rehabilitate from addictions and abuse. I was immediately touched by their openness and humble soft spirits. We talked about how the quest for God and divinity is the real driving force behind many addictions and they had a lot to ask me about meditation and other practices to work with the mind and body healing they were in the midst of.
These women are facing and moving through their darkness with a kind of courage and willingness that comes from the place of surrendering into new strength. Most of them had never experienced a drum circle, or anything like a Muse experience in their lives. They ranged in age from 19-50ish and I could feel that some of them had some pretty intense stories they were working to re-arrange in their own heads, hearts and selves and I felt so grateful that spirit had brought this group to be a part of this nite.
As always, the circle opened with intention, followed by some moments of quiet reflection to ground and relax, and just seeing them soften, their shoulders relax and their breathing unite was a gift to experience in and of itself. I know for a few of them the whole experience was like stepping into some bizarre field of whackiness, and I could feel the trepidation within them at the onset. In spite of it, they were brave enough to be open and I watched them soften, laugh, smile, and free themselves little by little, more with each excercise we did!
And seeing them after the circle closed, looking softer and more radiant, feeling how much more connected they were to each other, and the opening that I could feel and see in their hearts was the sweetest gift I could have and reminded me once again of why I love this work. I am so grateful and humbled to be sharing this in this world!
Thanks to the women of Unity and all who came last night for sharing yourselves and being brave and fearless in the great unknown.. and finding your joy there waiting for you!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Evolution of the Drum Circle: Jupiter, FL
May 13, 2010
Being back in Florida is such a sweet experience of homecoming, love, community and support and I feel so grateful for what is happening here. Clearly there is a strong current of consciousness, community and even sustainability that is emerging here which inspires me and warms my heart to it's depths.
Last night at the Corners Drum Circle, in Jupiter, I found myself surrounded by old friends from highschool, and my other visits and years in Florida, but also by a familiar energy of love that is common in drum circles around the world. Something about being together in this way, transparent, real, and exposed to the circle around us creates a vortex of love and connectivity that even if we don't speak, we share.
All ages of people from 15 to 65 were there, dancing, grooving, drumming and relaxing together. I am so inspired and so touched to see this circle as well as the Sheppard Park circle in Stuart which I was one of the original members of in it's early years almost 15 years ago. To see the committment of some of these people who I know have been holding it down for all of these years, and their inner personal growth through the process only adds fuel to my inspiration to continue to do the work I am doing and feel passionate about with community music making!
n talking with some people last night, I feel to share more about what this is, and why I'm doing it!
The Evolution of the Drum Circle workshops are designed to be a combination of discussion and the application of skill sets to help existing communities improve their circles, build more solid and interesting rhythmical and musical foundations and ultimately bring the individuals in the group together more as a collective whole functioning as one instrument played by many hands!
The idea is that the more we communicate openly about what is working, and what could or might be able to work better in the circle, the more we share, reflect and talk in a safe space with no judgements, the more we grow and evolve as a community. By sharing in concepts and dialogue and learning together some basic practical skills and applications of working energy and cooperating in the circle, the more exciting, rewarding and fulfilling our community drum circles can be for us as individuals and as a community.
Please feel free to email me with any questions. My sincere intention is that the community leaders and those who frequent drum circles will come to share and grow together, for YOU are the ones that the rest of the community looks to as the model of what is expected, possible and acceptable even. What the drum circle offers us as a model for the new paradigm is tremendous in scope!
Seeing what is going on here in South Florida is an inspiration for me to continue to share and learn and grow with this beautiful community sharing!
I am so humbled to participate and so grateful for the opportunity.
Being back in Florida is such a sweet experience of homecoming, love, community and support and I feel so grateful for what is happening here. Clearly there is a strong current of consciousness, community and even sustainability that is emerging here which inspires me and warms my heart to it's depths.
Last night at the Corners Drum Circle, in Jupiter, I found myself surrounded by old friends from highschool, and my other visits and years in Florida, but also by a familiar energy of love that is common in drum circles around the world. Something about being together in this way, transparent, real, and exposed to the circle around us creates a vortex of love and connectivity that even if we don't speak, we share.
All ages of people from 15 to 65 were there, dancing, grooving, drumming and relaxing together. I am so inspired and so touched to see this circle as well as the Sheppard Park circle in Stuart which I was one of the original members of in it's early years almost 15 years ago. To see the committment of some of these people who I know have been holding it down for all of these years, and their inner personal growth through the process only adds fuel to my inspiration to continue to do the work I am doing and feel passionate about with community music making!
n talking with some people last night, I feel to share more about what this is, and why I'm doing it!
The Evolution of the Drum Circle workshops are designed to be a combination of discussion and the application of skill sets to help existing communities improve their circles, build more solid and interesting rhythmical and musical foundations and ultimately bring the individuals in the group together more as a collective whole functioning as one instrument played by many hands!
The idea is that the more we communicate openly about what is working, and what could or might be able to work better in the circle, the more we share, reflect and talk in a safe space with no judgements, the more we grow and evolve as a community. By sharing in concepts and dialogue and learning together some basic practical skills and applications of working energy and cooperating in the circle, the more exciting, rewarding and fulfilling our community drum circles can be for us as individuals and as a community.
Please feel free to email me with any questions. My sincere intention is that the community leaders and those who frequent drum circles will come to share and grow together, for YOU are the ones that the rest of the community looks to as the model of what is expected, possible and acceptable even. What the drum circle offers us as a model for the new paradigm is tremendous in scope!
Seeing what is going on here in South Florida is an inspiration for me to continue to share and learn and grow with this beautiful community sharing!
I am so humbled to participate and so grateful for the opportunity.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Returning to the Roots Tour: Florida Fun
The Muse is flowing thru me once again and after much transition and life changing intention driving me forward, I feel supported, nurtured and blessed to be back out in the bigger world with friends, family and new connections carrying me forth into my joy!
The kickoff for Returning to the Roots Tour last night was an electronic ambient groove show with Rhett Johnson of Manteis Productions and Red Shift Mantra. Also the producer of my album Visions of Reality, Rhett's super yummy blend of textured grooves with live musicians is courageous and trancey to the core. And some of the best belly dancing I've ever seen as a warm up to the show! Wow!
Such a sweet treat and I am excited about the rest of the May tour here in Florida to bring newness, reconnection and magic into the lives of many!
The Muse Network is being worked on diligently and I am hoping to launch that within the next 4-6 weeks if all goes well! You can get a basic idea of what the Muse Network is about by visiting my website: www.cherishanti.com
The kickoff for Returning to the Roots Tour last night was an electronic ambient groove show with Rhett Johnson of Manteis Productions and Red Shift Mantra. Also the producer of my album Visions of Reality, Rhett's super yummy blend of textured grooves with live musicians is courageous and trancey to the core. And some of the best belly dancing I've ever seen as a warm up to the show! Wow!
Such a sweet treat and I am excited about the rest of the May tour here in Florida to bring newness, reconnection and magic into the lives of many!
The Muse Network is being worked on diligently and I am hoping to launch that within the next 4-6 weeks if all goes well! You can get a basic idea of what the Muse Network is about by visiting my website: www.cherishanti.com
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Muse Community
Hand in hand, around the fire we stand
together as one
From all over the world,
young, and old alike
Ticos, Israeli's, N Americans, Europeans, Irish...
The colors of the world merging under the soft fading of day
Into one rainbow of love and light
United by a desire to share, to play, to sing, to celebrate life
In harmony with nature
The circle opens with deep breaths giving way to the sounds of the ocean
The turning of day into night
Magic emanating from the intention to touch it's sleeve
And the Muse is on...
Moving the bodies
Pulsing the rhythms of life
Shared magic is felt by all present
My gratitude for this path
Always bringing me back to sweet surrender
Soft return
Open hearts
Kind spirits
And uniting hearts..
Pavones, Costa Rica
together as one
From all over the world,
young, and old alike
Ticos, Israeli's, N Americans, Europeans, Irish...
The colors of the world merging under the soft fading of day
Into one rainbow of love and light
United by a desire to share, to play, to sing, to celebrate life
In harmony with nature
The circle opens with deep breaths giving way to the sounds of the ocean
The turning of day into night
Magic emanating from the intention to touch it's sleeve
And the Muse is on...
Moving the bodies
Pulsing the rhythms of life
Shared magic is felt by all present
My gratitude for this path
Always bringing me back to sweet surrender
Soft return
Open hearts
Kind spirits
And uniting hearts..
Pavones, Costa Rica
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Muse Power Feedback
"I have been reading your book each night, I am in awe, and you have created a new spark for me! It is funny how many of your philosophical insights into traditional rhythm and ceremony hold their place and are very important for cultural significance and the passing of history, lore, and tradition, etc., yet you also strongly emphasize the importance of creating music based on the unique energy of the group, the mesh of energy from a variety of individuals creating new music that is dynamic and based the combination of the individuals that are present. This is also what I believe. I know that often structure is important, but I have also heard and participated in some amazing circles that were grounded in no specific foundation; thus, Recreational Music Making, and allowing each individual to reveal their being, giving them the space to play, and honoring their effort, not judging their performance. The train must run away before it can find it's rhythm!"
Feedback from Mark Gibson, Western State College, Gunnison, CO
Natural Music Making
Here in Costa Rica, natural music is surrounding us all the time. The songs of the birds, and the cicadas, the constant pulse of the ocean roaring softly in it’s own groove, the wind rustling the palms.. The ever-changing orchestra of sounds and expressions emanating from the jungle and the sea are one of the true joys of living here for many people, both Tico’s and others. Nature is such a clear example of free expression and non-judgmental inclusion of all life, and for me provides a beautiful model for music making being able to encompass the infinite potentialities for expression thru the human being.
The “modern”/“developing” worlds typically define music as "an art form whose medium is sound. Common elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture." In my experience, thinking of music solely in this way feels unnatural, exclusive and limiting. It validates only part of the whole.
The treatment of "music" and "dance" as separate art forms is pre-dominantly a European idea. Most tribal cultures are more like nature in their understanding of what music is: all inclusive of all expressions. For example, in many Bantu languages, there is one word for both music and dance; they are inseparable parts of the whole. In Kiswahili, the word "ngoma" may be translated as "drum", "dance", "dance event", "dance celebration" or "music", depending on the context. Kala is the art of music in the East and has three aspects, vocal, instrumental and the expression of movement. In seeing music as more inclusive of all parts of itself, it becomes a much more whole expression and creates more equality amongst all those who share in it by validating all parts of the same equally. Music then becomes the entire experience of how we are relating to each other and moves beyond just the technicality of the sounds. It becomes the spirit of the Muses: poetry, movement, sound, expression, environment, nature and divine inspiration combined. It becomes more like Nature: harmonizing, wild, and beautifully free.
The “modern”/“developing” worlds typically define music as "an art form whose medium is sound. Common elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture." In my experience, thinking of music solely in this way feels unnatural, exclusive and limiting. It validates only part of the whole.
The treatment of "music" and "dance" as separate art forms is pre-dominantly a European idea. Most tribal cultures are more like nature in their understanding of what music is: all inclusive of all expressions. For example, in many Bantu languages, there is one word for both music and dance; they are inseparable parts of the whole. In Kiswahili, the word "ngoma" may be translated as "drum", "dance", "dance event", "dance celebration" or "music", depending on the context. Kala is the art of music in the East and has three aspects, vocal, instrumental and the expression of movement. In seeing music as more inclusive of all parts of itself, it becomes a much more whole expression and creates more equality amongst all those who share in it by validating all parts of the same equally. Music then becomes the entire experience of how we are relating to each other and moves beyond just the technicality of the sounds. It becomes the spirit of the Muses: poetry, movement, sound, expression, environment, nature and divine inspiration combined. It becomes more like Nature: harmonizing, wild, and beautifully free.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Jungle Grooves: Music Making in Uvita
Here's a small Article I wrote for Montana Al Mar to promote Recreational Music Making in Uvita
As a lover of the Muses, in all their beautiful and entrancing forms, I have been delighted to find many opportunities to gather with others in the celebration and sharing of life thru music making here in Uvita. Music is often called the “universal language” and indeed it is. I have played music with people all around the world whose languages are foreign to me, but in music, we can understand each other’s hearts and truly connect in profound ways. Making music together strengthens a community in so many ways and it’s fun, so come on out to one of the many local open jams this week and bring a drum or a shaker or tamborine, or even just your smiling face and dancing feet! And please, bring a Tico or Tica friend to play too!
Open Jam’s Happening Weekly in Uvita/Dominical
Sunday Nite: 9:30 PM Open Jam, Maracatu Dominical
Tuesday Nite 6:30 PM Muse Jam: dominical Bamboo Yoga Play
Wednesday Nite 7 PM Cascada La Tica
Thursday Nite 6 PM Drum Circle/Open Jam: ConectARTE
Saturday Nite 6 PM Facilitated Artist Showcase & Jam: Tucan Hotel
Coming Soon:
*The Muse Experience: Music making modeling the New Paradigm:
For drummers, dancers, poets, storytellers, and musicians of all kinds. (8930-5830 for more info)
As a lover of the Muses, in all their beautiful and entrancing forms, I have been delighted to find many opportunities to gather with others in the celebration and sharing of life thru music making here in Uvita. Music is often called the “universal language” and indeed it is. I have played music with people all around the world whose languages are foreign to me, but in music, we can understand each other’s hearts and truly connect in profound ways. Making music together strengthens a community in so many ways and it’s fun, so come on out to one of the many local open jams this week and bring a drum or a shaker or tamborine, or even just your smiling face and dancing feet! And please, bring a Tico or Tica friend to play too!
Open Jam’s Happening Weekly in Uvita/Dominical
Sunday Nite: 9:30 PM Open Jam, Maracatu Dominical
Tuesday Nite 6:30 PM Muse Jam: dominical Bamboo Yoga Play
Wednesday Nite 7 PM Cascada La Tica
Thursday Nite 6 PM Drum Circle/Open Jam: ConectARTE
Saturday Nite 6 PM Facilitated Artist Showcase & Jam: Tucan Hotel
Coming Soon:
*The Muse Experience: Music making modeling the New Paradigm:
For drummers, dancers, poets, storytellers, and musicians of all kinds. (8930-5830 for more info)
Divine Inspiration
Your beauty is like wine to me
Intoxicating and always divine
Stirring to the core of my being
Your waters heal and sustain me
Your magic unfolds eternally
Reminding me of your infinite presence
You never leave me
I wander often
Yet you always remain
teaching me grace
Allowing evolution
in passion's play
Your voice comes to me
In moments of stillness
"Seek me until you find me
And when I am revealed
Rest in me and seek no more
Then you will know
I have been inside you all along
I can never leave you
Foollish are those who continue to seek
Even after I have arrived
addicted to their neurotic quest for more
Stay with me
I AM the infinite eternal always present"
Monday, January 18, 2010
Muse Power Review in Conscious Dancer
"Craving something deeper?" asks Cheri Shanti. "Music heals us; music brings us together; music builds community; music is the universal language of all time, all space. This is your invitation!" In Cheri's eyes, each of us is capable of being a musician, and by doing so we can experience a greater sense of community, feeling of belonging,and the ability to overcome depression, anxiety and deep seated fears.
As shown throughout Shanti's own story and those shared in this book, the experiences of playing music, dancing, drumming and participatory music making can create mysterious openings and transformations in our lives. These opportunities allow us to explore our longing for human connection in ways that modern culture does not: Western society's usual space for tribal experience-the bar or nightclub-may capitalize on the vital human need to be together, but it capitalizes equally on disconnection, depression and anxiety. There is indeed a hunger for a deeper community sharing in a place more sacred than a bar.
Shanti offers insight into how to overcome our fears and "I can't do it" programming around the sacred and magical play of music-making so that we can bring it into our lives as a daily practice. No matter your experience level, "Muse Power" is likely to touch something in you and entice you to play, dance, sing and share.
Conscious Dancer, Volume 8, Fall Issue page 38
book review,
cheri lunn,
cheri shanti,
community music,
modern music,
Muse Power,
recreational music making,
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