Friday, July 10, 2009

Chaos: the sweet surrender to the great unknown

Swirly void
Envelope me
Find me in my peaceful place
Stir me
Shake me to my core
Remind me
To find you once more

who so often is feared
Left out in the far away places
Afraid to be seen
An untouchable
Yet I welcome you now

Teach me of your depths
Limitless potential
Boundless energy
Fullness of all that is nothing

Infinite potentiality
exists in your disguise
The great unknown
Like the deep heart of night
But much less still

Find me
Remind me
Teach me
Unleash me
Let my edges be pushed to the places I have forgotten

I surrender to you
And out of you
I find the Grace
I know I AM
Emerging softly
thru my tears
Thru my resistance

And on the other side
I see once again
The light of God.

Chaos is, as I talk about in Muse Power, the wellspring of creation, the void of new birth, and it is a wonderful and magical experience to emerge from it's swirly soup with clarity, and newness awaiting discovery!

It's all about the surrender.. those of you who have Mused with me in the Muse Jam's, you know this place, we go thru it in every Muse.. and every single time, the magic that comes through it is so beautiful.. for me, the Muse is my metaphor for life.. what happens there, I KNOW is what will happen in life.. if I follow the same course of surrender, allowing and letting go... The Muses are my guide and reminder in moments of chaos, or stillness, or perfection.. all of it.. they teach me everything I need for life skills... I know many of you know this too! :) That's why I wrote the book after all! :)

Please share your experiences of chaos and it's passionate place in your life! :) Love to hear from you!

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