Saturday, July 3, 2010

Medicine of Music

Bodies moving
Sensual delite
The Medicine of Music
Healing all this nite

Faces beaming blissful beingness
In the seduction of the groove

Hips soft like river dance
hands making air romance
feet praying for a chance
to live again
another breath
just to feed this medicine
to my soul

Music takes away all pain
Music makes the insane sane
Like honey dripping from the hive
the medicine of the muse alone
is keeping me alive to thrive

Only the passion of the pulse can turn the dark to light
Ignite the nite
magnify the lite
send my body swish swish
yum yum into sweet delite
unable to be explained
so deep beyond all space and time
body, spirit and mind
I venture in thru rhythm's eye
And there
I find

Myself awaiting the return of her beloved...


1 comment:

  1. i too am so thankful for the way the vibes and moves bring can deep healing and sweet thrills again. stele

    so good seeing ya on the trail the other day


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