Thursday, May 27, 2010

Awaken the Wild Woman Within

The Awaken the Wild Woman Within Series has officially begun, and after this first event, I am more than inspired and excited to bring it forth to the world!

15 women gathered last night, May 26, 2010 for the First Unveiling of the Awaken the Wild Woman Within Muse in Melbourne, FL.

The power and grace that came forth throughout the 3 hour experience was moving and profoundly magical.

At the end of the night, when the women were sharing their experiences and journeys with me, I was touched by something like a humble awe of what had transpired in the evening within each woman there and I could see a visible difference in the way these women were holding themselves and each other. The bonding that had occurred between them, but also within them to themselves, was purely a gift to witness.

Here's what some of them had to say about the experience:

"Freeing, enlightening about myself, empowering!"

"Empowering Energy: I was able to identify my true essence."

"This was a great medium for women to get together to express themselves through their primal essence."

"Opening and Releasing"

The women shared their journeys of seeing and freeing their inner primal essence. There were stories of animals transforming and molding one into another as they journeyed through and into themselves, colors and swirls, their Wild Women digging them out of the mud of their domesticated existance, and on and on.

The inspiration of this night will feed me for many many years as the birthplace of a direction on my path to bring more women into their wild nature, to break off the chains of society's expectations and find ourselves free, empowered and moving with the magic, and strength of who we truly are.

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